The FinTech sector is renowned for its innovation, disruption, and potential for high returns. As digital financial services continue to gain traction, more FinTech companies are setting their sights on becoming fully licensed banks. However, the journey to obtaining a banking license is long and complex, often taking several years. This raises an important question for angel investors: Should you consider investing in a FinTech company that has plans to launch a bank, knowing the time and challenges involved in gaining approval?

Understanding the Regulatory Landscape

Launching a bank is no small feat. It requires navigating a rigorous regulatory landscape, which involves:

  • Comprehensive Scrutiny: Regulatory bodies such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) in the UK conduct thorough evaluations of the company’s financial stability, risk management, compliance measures, and governance practices.
  • Stringent Requirements: Companies must demonstrate robust systems for protecting customer data, preventing fraud, and managing risks. They also need to prove their ability to maintain sufficient capital reserves and liquidity.
  • Lengthy Process: The approval process can take several years, as seen in the case of Revolut, which took three years from application to obtaining its UK banking license.

The Benefits of Investing in a FinTech with Banking Aspirations

Despite the challenges, there are compelling reasons to consider investing in FinTech companies aiming to become banks:

High Growth Potential

  • Expanded Services: A banking license allows FinTech companies to offer a broader range of services, including lending, deposits, and investment products. This diversification can drive significant revenue growth.
  • Market Positioning: As licensed banks, these companies can compete more effectively with traditional financial institutions, attracting a larger customer base and increasing market share.

Enhanced Credibility and Trust

  • Regulatory Oversight: Being subject to rigorous regulatory oversight enhances the company’s credibility, reassuring customers and investors about its stability and compliance with high standards.
  • Customer Confidence: A banking license provides additional security for customer deposits, fostering trust and long-term loyalty.

Innovation and Differentiation

  • Technological Edge: Digital-native banks can leverage cutting-edge technology to offer innovative and personalized financial products that traditional banks may struggle to match.
  • Flexibility and Agility: FinTech companies are often more agile and responsive to market changes, allowing them to quickly adapt and introduce new features.

Challenges to Consider

While the potential rewards are significant, angel investors should be mindful of the challenges and risks involved:

Long and Uncertain Timeline

  • Regulatory Delays: The approval process is lengthy and uncertain, which can delay the company’s plans and affect its growth trajectory.
  • Capital Requirements: Meeting regulatory capital requirements can be demanding, necessitating substantial financial resources.

Operational Risks

  • Scalability Issues: Expanding operations to meet the requirements of a banking license can strain the company’s infrastructure and resources.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Maintaining ongoing compliance with stringent regulatory standards requires robust internal controls and continuous monitoring.

Evaluating Investment Opportunities

When considering an investment in a FinTech company with plans to become a bank, angel investors should conduct thorough due diligence and assess several key factors:

Management Team

  • Experience and Expertise: Evaluate the management team’s experience in the financial services industry and their ability to navigate regulatory complexities.
  • Track Record: Consider the team’s track record in successfully launching and scaling financial products.

Business Model and Strategy

  • Viability and Scalability: Assess the viability of the company’s business model and its ability to scale operations while maintaining regulatory compliance.
  • Competitive Advantage: Identify the company’s unique value proposition and competitive advantage in the market.

Financial Health

  • Capital Adequacy: Ensure the company has sufficient capital reserves to meet regulatory requirements and support its growth plans.
  • Revenue Streams: Analyze the company’s revenue streams and profitability potential once it becomes a bank.

Regulatory Preparedness

  • Compliance Framework: Evaluate the robustness of the company’s compliance framework and its ability to meet regulatory standards.
  • Risk Management: Consider the effectiveness of the company’s risk management practices and its ability to mitigate potential risks.


Investing in a FinTech company with plans to launch a bank presents both significant opportunities and challenges. While the regulatory approval process is long and complex, the potential for high growth, enhanced credibility, and innovative offerings makes it an attractive proposition for angel investors. Conducting thorough due diligence and evaluating key factors such as the management team, business model, financial health, and regulatory preparedness are crucial steps in making an informed investment decision.

As the FinTech sector continues to evolve, the emergence of digital banks will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of financial services. For angel investors, this represents a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of this transformation and potentially reap substantial rewards.

To stay updated on the latest trends and opportunities in the FinTech sector and explore how you can make informed investment decisions, read more on our blog.

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